[Joaillerie] was updated by Dwarfs
Saturday Jul 09
ticket -
Monstre trop agressif was created by JB 10:03 AM ticket
Pris dans la mer est peu plus sortir was updated by Darckvlads 03:31 AM ticket
Glyphe de l'éclair de givre was updated by Saerys
Friday Jul 08
ticket -
Quetes bug en Hautes terres de crépus... was created by sofiane 09:37 PM ticket
Quete DK : La fin de toutes choses was created by Juge Bergan 09:33 PM ticket
suite quete uldum buggée was updated by pandorat 07:05 PM ticket
suite quete uldum buggée was created by pandorat 06:58 PM ticket
le heal de la frape de mort Urgent !! was updated by Koryon 05:08 PM ticket
Bug pnj rare was created by Devildk 04:24 PM ticket
le heal de la frape de mort Urgent !! was updated by Saucroc 03:25 PM ticket
le heal de la frape de mort Urgent !! was updated by Saucroc 03:21 PM ticket
[BUG]Personnage x2 was updated by Koryon 01:25 PM ticket
[BUG]Personnage x2 was created by NaSkeleton 01:12 PM ticket
BUG totem chaman was updated by Pugna 09:56 AM ticket
BUG totem chaman was created by Pugna 09:52 AM ticket
Glyphe de l'éclair de givre was updated by Orgot 08:01 AM ticket
Pris dans la mer est peu plus sortir was updated by Darckvlads 03:58 AM ticket
le heal de la frape de mort Urgent !! was updated by Koryon
Thursday Jul 07
ticket -
le heal de la frape de mort Urgent !! was created by Un dk 10:03 PM ticket
[Chevalier de la mort]Réanimation morbide et Sombre transformation was updated by Atoku 08:50 PM ticket
[Chevalier de la mort]Réanimation mor... was created by Atoku 08:47 PM ticket
PNJ et patrons non implanté, vendeurs... was created by Koryon 04:01 PM ticket
[Complil' Bug Druide Féral was updated by tibo 03:54 PM ticket
Bug talents Druide was created by tibo 03:37 PM ticket
Liste de quelques bug du mage was updated by Saerys 01:41 PM ticket
Bug pyro instante mage feu was updated by Saerys 01:37 PM ticket
Glyphe de l'éclair de givre was updated by Saerys 01:10 PM ticket
Bug de quetes "Surveiller la faille :... was created by voltahirocc 01:04 PM ticket
Fair pop la goule pour les dk svp was created by Yggdrasil 11:55 AM ticket
Glyphe de l'éclair de givre was created by Orgot 09:48 AM ticket
[Chaman] Bug des totems was created by Crazyhorse 06:12 AM ticket
Quête "Boule de gomme en approche" was created by Tikicoktail 05:27 AM ticket
Le debut de la fin (renaissance du nouveau monde) was updated by Fatalquebec 04:10 AM ticket
Le debut de la fin (renaissance du no... was created by Fatalquebec 04:09 AM ticket
[BUG] sort réanimation morbide des ch... was created by emmanuel
Wednesday Jul 06
ticket -
Commandant Schnottz bug ! Quête de Ma... was created by Nate 09:16 PM ticket
Pris dans la mer est peu plus sortir was updated by Charlie Worgen 06:51 PM ticket
[Bug Mob] was created by JB 06:15 PM ticket
PNJ agressif was created by JB 06:12 PM ticket
Absence de fly à rut'theran was created by happylove 06:10 PM ticket
problème de hauts faits was updated by Fatalquebec 05:32 PM ticket
BUg quete debut de la fin *renaissan... was created by Fatalquebec 04:59 PM ticket
Reanimation Morbide was created by L 04:19 PM ticket
Bug quete "thassarian mon frères" was created by voltahirocc 03:52 PM ticket
Bug quete "ne prenoms pas de risques" was created by voltahirocc 03:49 PM ticket
Bug quete "un pouvoir sur les marées" was created by Shadowsong 03:10 PM ticket
problème de hauts faits was updated by L 12:02 PM ticket
[Complil' Bug Druide Féral was created by Charlie Worgen 12:02 PM ticket
problème de hauts faits was created by emmanuel 12:00 PM ticket
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