Quête > Sédimentaire, mon cher was created by Hartheon
Tuesday Jun 14
ticket -
Probleme de carte (pas de mini-carte) was created by ppaluplp 06:07 PM ticket
[REPUTATION] + [QUETE] Ombrelune was created by julien 06:05 PM ticket
[ Durotar - quètes ] : ghislania was created by Valf57 04:29 PM ticket
Haut fait : "A tout les écureuils qui... was created by Valf57 03:49 PM ticket
Haut fait : "A tout les écureuils qui... was created by Valf57 03:47 PM ticket
[chaman] Talent: [flammes incendiaire... was created by ahknor 03:24 PM ticket
bug avec la maille was created by hanarya 03:00 PM ticket
Bug quête: La fièvre de Strangleroncewas updated by Loreleï 02:49 PM ticket -
Bug quête: La fièvre de Strangleronce was created by DiEnd 01:43 PM ticket
Metier Cuisine was created by Inutheal 12:31 PM ticket
Quête: Des sombres Orages [Durotar] was created by Edichou 12:26 PM ticket
Bug Objet was created by Darkiine 12:09 PM ticket
Quête: La chute de Marl Roncever [ter... was created by Edichou 11:14 AM ticket
[Quête] La proposition de la mégère was created by Sakyra 11:05 AM ticket
[Démoniste] Conflagration was created by Sytizen 10:55 AM ticket
Pecher was created by psycho 10:51 AM ticket
[shaman] Talent: [puissance gelée] br... was created by ahknor 10:32 AM ticket
[Quête de classe] L’art des marche-so... was created by Sonic8611 10:22 AM ticket
[Quête] Derniers rites, premiers rites was created by Sonic8611 10:18 AM ticket
[Quête] Les rites de la Terre-mère was created by Sonic8611 10:13 AM ticket
[Quête] was updated by Sonic8611 10:09 AM ticket
[Quête] was created by Sonic8611 10:07 AM ticket
[Quêtes] La chasse continue was created by Sonic8611 10:04 AM ticket
[Quête] Une humble contribution was created by Sonic8611 10:01 AM ticket
bug quete + bug donjon was created by pow25 09:55 AM ticket
Quête: Au rébut pour les draeneïs [Terres Foudroyés] was updated by Edichou 09:50 AM ticket
Quête: Au rébut pour les draeneïs [Te... was created by Edichou 09:25 AM ticket
[Quête] Semer la terreur was created by Boyogqze 09:24 AM ticket
Quête: une raclée aux racleurs [Terre... was created by Edichou 09:21 AM ticket
[Quête] Coursiers du vent à terre ! was created by Boyogqze 09:14 AM ticket
[ Paladin - Sorts ] : multiples Bénéd... was created by Dhrek 08:49 AM ticket
Quête: l'art d'acomoder les restes [c... was created by Edichou 08:23 AM ticket
pretre ombre talents sorts bug was created by Shadowalker 07:08 AM ticket
Worgen was updated by Orcwog 02:01 AM ticket
URGENT Sort Mage was updated by hqrd
Monday Jun 13
ticket -
Quête: Assister l'archidruide Forteramure [Darnasus] was updated by Edichou 10:24 PM ticket
worgen was created by hmayda 10:19 PM ticket
4 bugs pour les druides félins was created by zelkhope 10:14 PM ticket
Quête: Assister l'archidruide Fortera... was created by Edichou 10:08 PM ticket
[Equipement] Chevalière de grand arca... was created by Zarkaos 09:13 PM ticket
URGENT Sort Mage was updated by Koryon 09:02 PM ticket
[Instance] Synthèse pré Cataclysm was created by Gimlas 08:14 PM ticket
Maitre des chevalier de la mort was updated by warcry 07:53 PM ticket
Problème de connection was updated by warcry 07:29 PM ticket
Charge war was updated by warcry 07:26 PM ticket
Problème de connection was created by warcry 07:20 PM ticket
BUG QUETE : "Teldrassil : le rejet de... was created by Roman69 07:09 PM ticket
URGENT Sort Mage was created by hqrd 06:59 PM ticket
Chaman - Talent - Réaction was created by Katana 06:29 PM ticket
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